C-0126 - Ensure that the admission control plugin NamespaceLifecycle is set


cis-v1.23-t1.0.1, cis-v1.10.0



Description of the the issue

Setting admission control policy to NamespaceLifecycle ensures that objects cannot be created in non-existent namespaces, and that namespaces undergoing termination are not used for creating the new objects. This is recommended to enforce the integrity of the namespace termination process and also for the availability of the newer objects.

Related resources


What does this control test

Reject creating objects in a namespace that is undergoing termination.

How to check it manually

Run the following command on the Control Plane node:

ps -ef | grep kube-apiserver

Verify that the --disable-admission-plugins argument is set to a value that does not include NamespaceLifecycle.


Edit the API server pod specification file /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml on the Control Plane node and set the --disable-admission-plugins parameter to ensure it does not include NamespaceLifecycle.

Impact Statement


Default Value

By default, NamespaceLifecycle is set.


No example